Telgian’s Tom Parrish will conduct the online training course: AFAA Fire Alarm Inspection and Testing NFPA 72-2016 on May 26 and May 28 from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM (EST). The Automatic Fire Alarm Association NFPA 72 training event takes one of the AFAA’s most popular full-day classroom offerings, and provides the same instruction online. This course is designed to improve fire alarm and signaling system safety / compliance and provides a valuable opportunity for system designers, project managers installers and contractors, as well as AJHs.
Webinar participants will receive a certificate for seven (7) contact hours of continuing education (must attend both part 1 & 2 in order to qualify for contact hours). The cost for AFAA members is $250, AFAA Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) members, $150 and non-members, $400.
The Fire Alarm Inspection and Testing NFPA 72 training will explore the changing role of traditional fire alarm systems, as well as how to interpret and apply NFPA 72 correctly. The program also covers the latest requirements for circuits (including Class N circuits) and pathways, interconnected fire alarm control units, emergency control functions, initiating device identification, spacing, and placement, supervision station alarm systems, inspection and testing of equipment, and more.
The webinar will be provided exclusively by AFAA Vice President Parrish, an internationally recognized expert who has helped develop NFPA codes and standards. An experienced NFPA senior instructor, Parrish presents not only numerous online trainings, but also live events across the country on a wide variety of fire protection, safety and security topics. A few recent examples include Understanding Proprietary Fire Alarm Systems for Fire Smarts, the NFPA 3000 Keynote Address for Fire Protection and Life Safety Forum, Fire Alarm System Initiating Device Basics and Fire Alarm System Notification Device Basics for the New York State Fire Marshals and Inspectors Seminar.
Parrish’s career includes 25+ years of fire protection and emergency response experience. He has held several positions with municipal fire, law enforcement and emergency medical services, as well as in private industry fire alarm system design and installation. Currently, Parrish is Vice President of Telgian, an industry-leading provider of fire protection, life safety and security services, as well as Fire Marshal at the Putnam Township Fire Department, located in Pinckney, Michigan.
In addition to his work with AFAA, Parris also serves on several National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) technical committees such as NFPA 72 Signaling Systems for the Protection of Life and Property and Emergency Communications Systems. His professional credentials include Level IV NICET Certified Fire Alarm Technician, Level III NICET Inspections and Testing and Certified Fire Protection Specialist, as well as Master Electrician.
To learn more, or register for this NFPA 72 training, please contact AFAA at (844)438-2322 or