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Prescriptive vs. Performance Based Protection with Sprinklers will be presented by Telgian’s Leonard Ramo at SFPE Northern California-Nevada Chapter Meeting

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Telgian’s Leonard Ramo to present “Prescriptive vs. Performance-Based Protection with Sprinklers” at SFPE Northern California-Nevada Chapter Meeting

Telgian Engineering & Consulting President Leonard Ramo will be a featured guest speaker at the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Northern California-Nevada Chapter Meeting on November 15, 2019. Ramo will present a workshop entitled “Prescriptive vs. Performance Based Protection with Sprinklers – What is the Real Value? Lessons from Full-Scale Fire Testing” at the event, which will be held at the Hayward Fire Department in Hayward, California.

Ramo’s presentation will explore lessons learned through full-scale fire testing directly related to solving problems such as solid shelves, blocked flues, and aisle storage. During the presentation, he will review large-scale fire testing programs and methods that have been conducted in general accordance with NFPA 13, Chapter 24, Alternative Sprinkler System Designs.

In addition, the workshop will cover the development of sound test programs, testing options, commodity classification, sprinkler technologies, and interesting results.  “This presentation will encourage ideas for solving situations where prescriptive answers are not always the best option,” explains Ramo.

With a career that spans more than 20 years as a practicing fire protection engineer, consultant, and executive, Ramo is well qualified to present “Prescriptive vs. Performance Based Protection with Sprinklers.” As an internationally recognized industry professional, he plays an integral role in fire protection international codes and standards development by serving on select National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) committees.

Ramo currently serves as a Principal Member of the Committee on Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection, NFPA 22, an Alternate Member of Committee on Life Safety, Mercantile and Business Occupancies, NFPA 101, and an Alternate Member of Committee on Life Safety, Mercantile and Business Occupancies, NFPA 5000.   

Prescriptive vs. Performance Based Protection with Sprinklers will be presented by Telgian's Leonard Ramo at SFPE Northern California-Nevada Chapter MeetingHe is also a member of Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), served on the SPFE 2019 Nominating Committee, and is currently on both the SFPE Standards Making Committee on Performance-Based Fire Safety Design and the SFPE Committee on Outreach and Advocacy (COA). Ramo is the past president of the Central Gulf Coast Chapter of SPFE, as well, and is a member of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME).

Professional accreditations include registration as a Professional Engineer (PE) in all 50 U.S. States, District of Columbia and select Territories, as well as P. Eng. in select Canadian Provinces. Ramo is a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) and holds a U.S. Department of Homeland Security CVI certification.

For additional information about “Prescriptive vs. Performance-Based Protection with Sprinklers” or to register for the event, please visit the SFPE Northern California-Nevada Chapter.

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