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Fire Sprinkler Americas Conference includes Telgian Presenter

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Fire Sprinkler Americas Conference includes Telgian PresenterTelgian Executive Chairman Russell Leavitt will present “NFPA 13 2019 Edition: Proposed Reorganization” at the Fire Sprinkler Americas Conference, taking place February 24-25 at the Intercontinental Medellin in Medellin, Columbia. Leavitt’s presentation will focus on sharing the progress of the Sprinkler System Discharge for Automatic Sprinklers (NFPA 13) Committee Task Group’s proposed changes to the 2019 edition of NFPA 13, the Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.

The session will take place Thursday, February 25, from 11:35 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. COT.  Leavitt, who is the Chair of the task group leading the reorganization, will provide attendees with an understanding of what to expect from the reorganization of NFPA 13 as well as a general timeline for next steps. 

In addition to the task group, Leavitt is active in numerous trade and professional associations and holds several leadership positions including: Board of Directors for National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Principal Member of the NFPA Technical Committee for Installation and a Principal Member of NFPA 3, 4, and 25. Leavitt is also a non-voting member of the Automatic Sprinkler Correcting Committee and represents NFPA 13 on the Technical Committee for NFPA 909 (Code for the Protection of Cultural Resource Properties) and 914 (Code for the Protection of Historic Structures).

Throughout his career, Leavitt has authored numerous articles and training guides, including the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) Beginning Inspector Training Program and the AFSA Online Hydraulics Training Program. He is also is a major contributor to several NFPA Handbooks and served as the subject matter expert for numerous NFPA live and online training programs.

About the Fire Sprinkler Americas Conference

The 2016 Fire Sprinkler Americas Conference is the second gathering of its kind sponsored by the International Fire Sprinkler Association and features two days of informative presentations by world-renowned experts in the automatic fire sprinklers field. This year’s conference continues the dialogue started at the first conference in 2014 around the need for properly designed, installed and maintained fire sprinkler systems in Latin America. The International Fire Sprinkler Association was formed in 1999 by the National Fire Sprinkler Association to encourage the use of sprinkler systems around the world.

Click for more information about Fire Sprinkler Americas or to register for the conference. Or, learn more about Telgian fire protection experts

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