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Philadelphia NBC Channel 10 Highlights Holiday Fire Safety with Telgian’s Drew Gerard

Press, Articles & Publications

Philadelphia NBC Channel 10 Highlights Holiday Fire Safety with Telgian’s Drew GerardRegistered Fire Protection Engineer Drew Gerard recently offered his expert advice on Holiday Fire Safety with Philadelphia NBC Channel 10’s Tim Furlong. According to Gerard, throughout the year, but especially during the holidays when the number of hazards increase, it’s essential to be aware of fire safety.

Here are some of his top tips to keep your family safe this holiday season:

  • Make sure your home has a working fire extinguishers and plenty of working smoke detectors. (Click to learn more about How to Use a Fire Extinguisher.)
  • Read the box to see how many strands of Christmas lights can be safely linked together. With newer LED lights, you can generally string together 20-25 strands.
  • For older, and incandescent lights, three to five can generally be safely strung together. Beyond that, you’re overloading the circuit and heating up the wires to the point where they will short out or melt completely, creating a fire hazard. Always follow light manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • After the holiday, don’t keep a dry tree. Get it out of the house sooner, rather than later.
  • Be aware of extra fire risks in the kitchen during the holidays. For example, keep an eye on things baking in the oven, or things simmering a slow cooker.


About Drew Gerard

Drew Gerard is the MidAtlantic Fire Protection Engineering Practice Leader for Telgian Engineering & Consulting. He is a registered Fire Protection Engineer in 20 states, as well as a Certified Fire Protection Specialist with over 12 years of experience. His fire protection and life safety expertise spans a wide array of sectors such as healthcare, educational, large retail, commercial, and industrial.

Click here for additional Holiday Fire Safety Tips.

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