News, Press & Publications

Fire Safety Systems Maintenance During the Pandemic

Press, Articles & Publications

According to the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Fires in Vacant Buildings report, “… in 2011–2015, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated average of 30,200 structure fires per year in vacant properties.” Due to COVID-19, the retail openings – and closings – are changing at a moment’s notice due to city- and state-mandates. When retail locations shutter their doors, the question becomes, who is responsible for the maintenance of fire safety equipment and systems? Telgian’s Vice President, Account Management Ralph Bless explores why fire safety systems maintenance is essential during the pandemic in “Don’t Go Up in Flames, Fire Safety Systems Maintenance During Pandemic” for Connexus magazine.

Moving businesses forward safely during the pandemic requires many business adjustments. Owners and facilities managers have many things to consider while continuing to operate and service their communities. Although fire safety subjects may not be top of mind during the current health emergency, it is important to realize their importance. 

Bless has more than 39 years of experience in fire protection, including a broad range of water-based and special hazard system design and code consulting, as well as fire protection engineering. A sought after author, he provides expert insight into fire safety in a wide variety of industry publications. Other recent examples include the article “Responsible Priorities” in FMJ magazine which detailed how businesses can operate safely while addressing risks, “Multifamily Residence Fire Safety: Don’t Skip Individual Unit Inspections” for Multifamily Executive magazine and “How do holiday decorations impact fire safety?” with the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) magazine.  

Ralph Bless, Telgian Fire SafetyClick to read Fire Safety Systems Maintenance During Pandemic in its entirety.

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