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Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings webinar

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Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings webinarTelgian’s Tracey Bellamy, P.E., CFPS will present an all-new Fire Smarts Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings webinar on October 8, 2020, from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Eastern Time.

“This course will cover the unique fire protection and life safety challenges associated with high rise buildings,” explains Bellamy. The discussion will also include an explanation of the origin and definition of high rises, as well as very tall buildings.

During the presentation, Bellamy will review the primary Life Safety Code and the model Building Code provisions related to these structures. The challenges associated with such buildings are also presented along with mandated requirements intended to address them. This includes discussion of the building design related to the structural integrity of the building, management of fire/smoke spread within the structure, fire department operations, occupant notification, and evacuation scenarios.

Learning objectives for the Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings webinar include:

  • Define a High Rise and Very Tall Building
  • Understand the unique challenges associated with these building
  • Know where the primary regulatory requirements for such structures are located
  • Associate required building design elements with a variety of fire protection and life safety challenges within these buildings


Certificates of completion for the Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings webinar

This webinar complies with ICC CEU requirements for ICC approved training courses. These can be used as supporting documentation for CPD points, which are required for NICET certification. In addition, certificates of completion for the Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings webinar can be used as supporting documentation for credit hours required for re-certification as part of the UCC program, as well as for Texas Commission on Fire Protection certifications.

About the Presenter

Telgian’s Tracey Bellamy, P.E., CFPS will present an all-new Fire Smarts Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings webinar on October 8, 2020, from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Time.  “This course will cover the unique fire protection and life safety challenges associated with high rise buildings,” explains Bellamy. The discussion will also include an explanation of the origin and definition of high rise, as well as very tall buildings.Tracey Bellamy has more than 25 years of experience in the fire protection community including all areas of the fire sprinkler industry. He has extensive experience with fire suppression system design, fire hazard analysis, and fire protection system inspection and testing.

Bellamy is licensed as a Professional Engineer in 49 U.S. states, District of Columbia and Guam and a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS). He also serves on several NFPA technical and correlating committees including NFPA 13, 15, 16, 25, 30, 30B, 101 and 5000 (building code) and is a member of ASCE, NFPA, and SFPE.

An experienced speaker and presenter, Bellamy provides both in-person and online workshops and webinars on fire protection and fire safety topics. Recent examples include Introduction to Fire Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems Overview, NFPA 25 – Step-by-Step Testing Procedures and Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances, all conducted for the Kennewick Fire Training Center in Kennewick, Washington. Additional presentations include Managing Fire Protection System Impairments and Use of Fire Watch, NFPA 13, Fire Pumps Online Training, and Water-based Fire Protection Systems: Freeze and Seismic Protection, among others.

To register for the Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings webinar, please visit Fire Smarts.

For media and interview inquiries: Please contact

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