News, Press & Publications

Telgian’s Russ Leavitt Named FPC Magazine’s Person of the Year

Press, Articles & Publications

Telgian Executive Chairman Russ Leavitt was recently named FPC Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2024. The award honors those who help fire sprinkler contractors, are engaged in education, and are actively promoting fire sprinkler system installations. Telgian Executive Chairman Russ Leavitt was recently named the FPC Magazine Person of the Year for 2024. The award honors those who help fire sprinkler contractors, are engaged in education, and are actively promoting fire sprinkler system installations. As the author of industry training guides including the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) Beginning Inspector Training Program and the AFSA Online Hydraulics Training Program, contributor to several NFPA Handbooks and SME for numerous NFPA live and online training programs, and Immediate Past Chair of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Russ certainly embodies all of their criteria!

In his interview in the August issue of FPC magazine, Russ explains how he began his 40+ year career in the fire sprinkler industry, who his mentors have been through the years, why he has been so extensively involved in training, and what he envisions for the future of the fire sprinkler industry.

Click to read the entire interview at FPC Magazine.

Media and Interview Inquiries: Please contact

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