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NFPA 3000 Meeting includes Telgian’s Tom Parrish

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Telgian’s Tom Parrish will  NFPA 3000 Meeting as AFAA Representative

Telgian’s Vice President Tom Parrish is slated to attend the NFPA 3000 Meeting in New Orleans as a representative of the Automatic Fire Alarm Association (AFAA). Meeting participants will review NFPA 3000 Public Inputs and develop revisions. NFPA 3000 is the Standard for Active Shooter / Hostile Event Response (ASHER), and is a new document, issued in 2018 as a Provisional Standard for the first edition. NFPA 3000 is now proceding through the steps of the NFPA Standards Process.

According to the NFPA, “Nationwide and around the globe, communities are facing an increasing number of tragedies involving active shooter and/or hostile events. The need for an integrated preparedness, response, and recovery program is greater than ever before.”

This standard is not only essential, but also comprehensive, as it addresses the many vital aspects of the process, from identifying hazards and assessing vulnerability to planning, resource management, incident management at a command level, and competencies for first responders, as well as recovery.

“Telgian Corporation’s commitment to the process and this committee exemplifies our dedication to all aspects of life safety and security, in addition to fire prevention and fire safety,” says Parrish.

Other committee members represent law enforcement, the fire service, emergency medical services, hospitals, emergency management, private security, private business, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Justice, and more. The Technical Committee responsible for NFPA 3000 is NFPA’s largest startup Committee to date. They have been tasked with providing job-specific insight and real world observations from mass killings at Mandalay Bay Resort, Pulse Nightclub, Sandy Hook Elementary, the Sikh Temple, the Boston Marathon, and others.

For additional information about the NFPA 3000 Meeting in New Orleans, please visit

 About Tom Parrish, Vice President, Telgian Corporation

Telgian’s Tom Parrish will  NFPA 3000 Meeting as AFAA RepresentativeTom Parrish has more than 25 years’ of experience in fire protection and emergency response. He has held positions with municipal fire, law enforcement and emergency medical services, and in private industry system design and installation programs. He serves on several NFPA technical committees including NFPA 72 Signaling Systems for the Protection of Life and Property and Emergency Communications Systems. Parrish is also a board member of AFAA and a senior instructor for NFPA.

His professional credentials include Level IV NICET Certified Fire Alarm Technician, Level III NICET Inspections and Testing, Certified Fire Protection Specialist and Master Electrician. Parrish is board-certified as a Physical Security Professional by ASIS and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Technology from Kean University of New Jersey.

Media and Interview Inquiries:

Susan McNeill

Telgian Holdings, Inc.


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