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Fire sprinkler and fire pump training by Telgian’s Russ Leavitt

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fire sprinkler and fire pump training

Telgian’s Executive Chairman Russell Leavitt will conduct two days of live fire sprinkler and fire pump training at Vancouver Fire Department Station in Vancouver, WA on November 27-28. This November 27 course, Introduction to Fire Sprinkler Systems, is a high-level overview on fire sprinkler systems. The history and objective of fire sprinkler systems will reviewed. In addition, the three required components for a sprinkler to function will be examined including automatic sprinkler, water supply, and the connection (piping) between the two.

Introduction to Fire Sprinkler Systems also covers the four major types of sprinkler systems and the associated components. Basic installation requirements will be reviewed along with system acceptance.

The November 28, 2018 course, Fire Pump Testing and Analysis, will cover the requirements and procedures for fire pump acceptance testing found in NFPA 20 and those for the ongoing periodic testing as mandated by NFPA 25. This course also reviews the roles of the contractor, manufacturer’s representatives, and the AHJ in conjunction with acceptance testing along with the procedures used for electric motor drivers, engine drives, and alternate power where provided.

Weekly and monthly no-flow test requirements and procedures will be reviewed along with those used with the annual performance test of fire pump systems. The course concludes with exercises demonstrating plotting pump curves, using affinity laws, and determining acceptable pump performance.

Each participant who attends the full training session(s) will receive a Certificate of Completion. Certificates comply with International Code Council (ICC) CEU requirements for ICC approved training courses and may be used as supporting documentation for CPD points required for NICET certification.

About the Presenter: Russell Leavitt

Fire protection expert Russell Leavitt is the Executive Chairman of Telgian Corporation. With over 36 years of experience, he holds a Level IV certification from NICET in Fire Sprinkler Layout and Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) designation. He is a Board Member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), is the chair of the NFPA 13 Sprinkler System Discharge Criteria technical committee, and serves on the NFPA 13 Installation and NFPA 25 technical committees.

Leavitt conducts seminars internationally on a variety of fire and life safety related subjects and has authored a number of articles and training materials including the AFSA ITM training program and online hydraulic calculation course.

For additional information about these fire sprinkler and fire pump training opportunities, please visit Fire Smarts.

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