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NFPA 2nd Vice Chair Honor Awarded to Russ Leavitt

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NFPA 2nd Vice ChairRussell B. Leavitt, Executive Chairman of Telgian Holdings, Inc. was recently named NFPA 2nd Vice Chair. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is a global, nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards.

As NFPA 2nd Vice Chair, Leavitt will work with the association as it delivers information and knowledge nationwide through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy. In addition to this position, Leavitt also serves on a number of NFPA Technical Committees and is the Chair of the Technical Committee on Sprinkler System Discharge Criteria (NFPA 13). He is a long-time NFPA seminar presenter at national events such as the Retail Construction Expo, PRSM, TPE, and AFSA and has served as a senior instructor for NFPA’s Professional Development Series, as well.

NFPA Board Members are elected based on experience; respect of peers; respect as a member of the safety community; commitment to the association’s goals; and appreciation for the relationship NFPA must maintain with the changing needs of society. Leavitt brings over 35 years of industry experience to the position including  his fire protection expertise, managing a fire protection contracting firm,  building a global fire protection services organization, and promoting life safety through speaking engagements and teaching opportunities.

About Telgian Holdings, Inc.

Combined, Telgian’s two business units, Telgian Fire Safety and Telgian Engineering & Consulting, provide comprehensive fire, security, life safety consulting and engineering/design services partnering with clients to produce innovative solutions that reduce exposure to loss from fire and disasters. 

A full service global engineering and risk consulting firm, Telgian Engineering & Consulting, specializes in complex, multi-discipline public and private sector projects. TEC provides professional services related to the protection of people, property, information, and organizational mission against preventable losses such as fire protection engineering, security risk consulting, emergency management and operations continuity and more.

Telgian Fire Safety provides innovative solutions that keep facilities safe, compliant and on budget. Telgian Fire Safety’s expertise includes Fire Life Safety Systems testing, inspections and repair of  including Fire Sprinkler Systems, Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Extinguishers, Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems, Backflow Systems, Emergency/Exit Lights, Special Hazards, Clean Agent Systems and Fire Alarm Monitoring. 

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