Russell B. Leavitt, Executive Chairman of Telgian Holdings, Inc., a worldwide provider of comprehensive fire, security, life safety consulting and engineering/design services, was recently recognized with the NFPA Special Achievement Award by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
The award, which was presented during the Technical Committee Session, celebrates the significant contribution of a committee member to a single project that has enhanced the NFPA Standards Development Process. “The NFPA Standards Development process is a consensus process that encourages participation of all facets of industry, trades, government, enforcers, and anyone interested in improving safety and reducing fire loss,” says Kerry Bell, Standards Council Chair. “Through this process, countless volunteers share their expertise and time to ensure that NFPA standards are developed and updated/revised to address safety concerns and technologies.”
Leavitt’s active role as Chair of the NFPA 13 Restructuring Task Group for the 2019 Edition led to the honor. “NFPA 13 is recognized globally as the benchmark standard for the design and installation of fire sprinkler systems. The reformatted NFPA 13 is designed to make this widely used document easier to use and interpret for non-expert users,” explains Leavitt.
Over the course of 18 months, Leavitt exhibited incredible dedication to the project, attention to essential details, and strong leadership skills. “Under his direction, the task group developed a methodology for tracking changes of each section of the 2016 edition,” says Bell. In addition, “Russ educated stakeholders of the impending reorganization: presenting at several industry association conferences, answering questions, and ultimately alleviating any lingering concerns around the restructuring. The daunting undertaking of this restructuring was made successful and seamless by Russ’s personal investment in achieving the task assigned by the Correlating Committee.”
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About the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Founded in 1896, NFPA is a global, nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. The association delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy; and by partnering with others who share an interest in furthering the NFPA mission. For more information visit All NFPA codes and standards can be viewed online for free at
About Telgian Holdings, Inc.
Telgian is a worldwide provider of comprehensive fire, security, life safety consulting and engineering/design services. Telgian partners with clients to produce innovative solutions that reduce exposure to loss from fire and disasters. The result is productive, profitable environments that keep businesses safe and compliant. To learn more about Telgian visit
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