Leonard Ramo, PE, P.Eng., CFPS
Telgian Engineering & Consulting
President of Telgian Engineering & Consulting, Leonard Ramo has had a distinguished career spanning more than 25 years as an effective corporate executive, practicing fire protection engineer, and consultant to international organizations. He is a globally recognized professional with a diverse executive and engineering management background. Clients include the Fortune 500 companies, private institutions, and other public and private corporations from around the world.
Professional accreditations include registration as a Professional Engineer (PE) in all 50 U.S. States, District of Columbia, and select Territories, as well as a P. Eng. in select Canadian Provinces. In addition, Ramo is a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) and holds a U.S. Department of Homeland Security CVI certification.
Ramo plays an integral role in international codes and standards development by serving on select National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) committees. He is a member of the SFPE Foundation Board of Governors and on both the SFPE Standards Making Committee on Performance-Based Fire Safety Design and the SFPE Committee on Outreach and Advocacy (COA). He is the past president of the Central Gulf Coast Chapter of SFPE as well, and a member of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME).
Most recently, he was appointed to the University of Maryland Department of Fire Protection Engineering Board of Visitors (BOV). The BOV is instrumental to the success of the Department by helping it gain both recognition and support as a leader in FPE research and education. In this capacity he will serve as a liaison to industry and government as well as other academic institutions.
Ramo holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, Binghamton University.