The January 2015 issue of FPC/Fire Protection Contractor magazine includes an article authored by John Campbell, Telgian Corporation’s Vice President of International Services. The article is entitled, “Control-Mode Density/Area Protection of Storage of Class I through Class IV Commodities in NFPA 13.” This article is the fourth in the series of storage articles authored by Mr. Campbell in the 2014 September, October, November, and January 2015 issues of FPC/Fire Protection Contractor magazine.
To read the article in its entirety, please click here:Control-Mode Density/Area Protection of Storage of Class I thought Class IV Commodities in NFPA 13
About the Author, John Campbell
Mr. Campbell is the Vice President of International Services and is a Licensed Professional Engineer. In this capacity, he has specialized in the Fire Protection field, providing engineering and consulting services on projects in industrial, mercantile, government, and residential occupancies before, during and after construction, considering factors such as fire resistance, occupancy, water supplies and egress facilities. Apart from his other responsibilities, Mr. Campbell also designs or recommends materials or equipment such as structural components protection, fire detection equipment, alarm systems, fire extinguishing devices and systems, and advises on location, handling, installation, and maintenance. He performs life safety and fire protection consulting services related to fire and building codes, national fire protection standards and related issues. Mr. Campbell analyzes plans for conformance to standard practice, codes, and specifications for seal and signature, as well as supervising the design work of others.
Mr. Campbell’s specialties include the warehousing and distribution industry, large manufacturing facilities, healthcare and nursing facilities, coal-fired power generation facilities and retail occupancies. Other specialties include various service and institutional occupancies, including universities. Specific protection schemes have involved water-based extinguishing systems (water spray, AFFF foam, deluge), water mist systems, clean agent extinguishing, CO2 extinguishing systems, detection and control systems, and fire alarms.
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