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Human Behavior in Fire presented by Telgian’s Michael Willis

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Human Behavior in Fire

UPDATE: As of 3-17-2020 this event has been cancelled. Fire Protection Consultant Michael Willis of Telgian Engineering & Consulting will present a seminar entitled Human Behavior in Fire to the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Northern California – Nevada Chapter. The event, scheduled for March 20, 2020, will be held at the Hayward Fire Department in Hayward, California.

“The consideration of human behavior in fire presentation must be included in the design of any building or facility,” explains Willis. “This seminar will cover an essential question for fire protection system designers: Just how does one account for, and design to, what is most often  referred to and portrayed as panicked and chaotic situation?”

Willis will discuss typical behaviors in fire alarm / fire events, as well as devices to aid in the safe evacuation of building occupants. Most importantly, he will discuss the specifics of how fire protection design professionals can better help clients improve on their fire emergency plans.

As an experienced fire protection consultant, Willis has over 12 years of fire protection experience in portable, fixed and pre-engineered fire suppression.  Throughout his career, he has served as a leader in a variety of fire protection roles including technician, inspector, consultant, installer and designer. His experience includes both passive and active fire safety systems that feature special emphasis on life safety, suppression, special hazard and signaling.

Human Behavior in Fire presented by Telgian’s Michael WillisAs a Fire Protection Consultant for Telgian Engineering & Consulting, Willis focuses on servicing clients in the areas of plan review, due diligence, code research and interpretation, as well as commissioning for the protection of life and property from fire and other related hazards. His experience includes large commercial storage and use facilities, and he provides services for fire sprinklers, fire alarms, high-piled storage, industrial fire protection and general fire and building code compliance.

Willis holds multiple state and local licenses, as well as NICET Certifications in Fire Alarms and Fire Sprinklers.  And, he is currently on track to obtain PE licensure in Fire Protection Engineering.

Willis is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology. 

To learn more about Willis’s presentation, Human Behavior in Fire, or to register for this event, please visit the Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Northern California – Nevada Chapter.

About Telgian Engineering & Consulting, LLC

A full-service global engineering and risk mitigation consultancy specializing in complex, multi-discipline public and private sector projects, Telgian Engineering & Consulting is a provider of strategic/enterprise risk management, fire protection engineering, industrial security, environmental health and safety, emergency management, operations continuity consulting and construction administration services. Telgian professionals are dedicated to meeting today’s risk challenges. 

Since 1985, Telgian has served a wide variety of industry sectors including government, commercial, education, healthcare, hospitality, industrial, and transportation throughout the US and abroad. Our professionals deliver value through effective protection solutions for clients such as architects, engineers, owners, developers, risk and facility management firms, construction teams and government agencies.

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