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Power Grid Vulnerability: A New Reliability Standard

Press, Articles & Publications

Power Grid Vulnerability: A New Reliability StandardA new reliability standard for North America’s Bulk-Power System is designed to lessen the electrical power grid vulnerability. The Physical Security Reliability Standard (CIP-014-1) was developed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and approved by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in November 2014. Telgian Risk Solutions, a division of Telgian Corporation, helps Bulk-Power System owners and operators of transmission stations and substations comply with the critical requirements of the new physical security standard.

“Standard CIP-014-1 is intended to enhance physical security for the most-critical Bulk-Power System facilities and reduce the overall vulnerability of the grid to attacks on those facilities,” said William E. Reiter II, a Certified Protection Professional (CPP) who serves as vice president of security operations for Telgian Risk Solutions.

“Transmission owners and operators have significant obligations under the new standard, which, among other things, requires independent third-party verification of vulnerability assessments and security plans. This is important work, and it must be undertaken swiftly and executed correctly to achieve compliance with the standard and avoid regulatory penalties,” Reiter said.

The standard defines six requirement areas regulated transmission owners and operators must meet. Telgian Risk Solutions provides assistance to organizations required to comply with the new standard under requirements R4, R5 and R6: performing security vulnerability assessments, developing regulatory compliant site security plans, and providing independent third-party verification to achieve compliance with CIP-014-1.

“The effective date of the standard, as noted in the Federal Register, is January 26, 2015,” explained Telgian Risk Solutions Executive Vice President John C. Fannin III. “This marks the beginning of the timeline for sequencing of requirements under the new standard. Telgian understands both the requirements and the timeline and will work with regulated entities to provide cost-effective solutions for compliance.”

Telgian Risk Solutions is a full-service global engineering and risk consultancy specializing in complex, multi-discipline public and private sector projects.  The company provides professional services related to protection of people, property, information and organizational mission against preventable losses. With a wide spectrum of expertise and practice areas specific to security, risk analysis, life safety, emergency management and operations continuity, Telgian professionals are dedicated to delivering value through effective protection solutions, meeting today’s global risk challenges.

About Telgian  

Telgian is a worldwide provider of comprehensive fire, security, life safety consulting and engineering/design services. Telgian partners with clients to produce innovative solutions that reduce loss from fire, security, safety and disaster exposures. The result is productive, profitable environments that keep businesses safe and compliant.  

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