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Business in Focus magazine features fire and life safety leader Telgian

Press, Articles & Publications

Business in Focus magazine features fire, life safety and security leader TelgianBusiness in Focus magazine recently featured fire, life safety and security leader Telgian for an in depth article that highlighted  Telgian’s dynamic business model and innovative leadership. The Business in Focus article shared the background of the fire, life safety and security industry leader and included tidbits of Telgian’s history, including what made CEO James Tomes switch paths from Wall Street to fire protection, as well as how Telgian got its unusual name. The article also showcased key players within the company and what makes Telgian so different from any other competitor within the industry.

Business in Focus magazine features fire, life safety and security leader Telgian

Read the Business in Focus magazine article in its entirety, please click here:  “We Sell Peace of Mind”

About Telgian Holdings, Inc.

Since 1985, Telgian has provided innovative fire, security and life safety systems testing, inspections and maintenance, consulting and engineering/design services, keeping facilities safe, compliant and on budget. Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona with regional offices across the nation, in Latin America and Canada, Telgian is a trusted partner, providing solutions throughout the US and abroad.

We offer our clients a comprehensive, single-source solution for fire protection, security and life safety needs through focused business units:

Telgian Engineering and Consulting (TEC)

Telgian Engineering & Consulting (TEC) is a full-service global engineering and risk mitigation consultancy specializing in complex, multi-discipline public and private sector projects. TEC provides professional services related to the protection of people, property, information, and organizational mission against preventable losses.

TEC is a worldwide provider of strategic risk management, fire protection engineering, industrial security, environmental health and safety, emergency management, operations continuity consulting, and related sustainable (LEED) strategies, and construction administration services.

The professionals at TEC are dedicated to delivering value through effective protection solutions that meet today’s global risk challenges. In addition to a uniquely global perspective, TEC also provides in-depth knowledge of local, state, and federal compliance matters.

TEC works hand-in-hand with clients such as architects, engineers, owners, developers, risk and facility management firms, construction teams and government agencies. In addition, TEC serves industry sectors that include commercial, education, healthcare, hospitality, industrial, and transportation throughout the US and abroad.

Telgian Fire Safety (TFS)

Telgian Fire Safety’s (TFS) expertise includes testing, inspections and repair of Fire Life Safety Systems including Fire Sprinkler Systems, Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Extinguishers, Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems, Backflow Systems, Emergency/Exit Lights, Special Hazards, Clean Agent Systems and Fire Alarm Monitoring.

TFS specializes in service to multi-location properties, as well as large single-campus facilities. In fact, TFS services more than 50,000 locations annually throughout the US and abroad, providing a centralized approach and standardized way for clients to manage their FLS program including Inventory Tracking, Capital Replacement Programs, Budgeting and Forecasting.

In addition, the TFS customer-first culture ensures that clients receive the best service for their unique needs. And, as unbiased provider separating the inspection and testing process from the repairs, TFS eliminates all conflict of interest.

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