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Antifreeze Use for Fire Protection, 2021 Update Webinar

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Antifreeze Use for Fire Protection 2021 Update WebinarTelgian fire protection expert Tracey Bellamy will present a Fire Smarts “Antifreeze Use for Fire Protection” online training opportunity on March 11, 2021 from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm Eastern. The Antifreeze Use for Fire Protection webinar will explore the current state in 2021 of the use of antifreeze in water-based fire protection systems.  This webinar is part of the monthly Fire Smarts series which explores timely fire protection industry topics and innovation solutions. Each event is taught by an industry-leading expert.

Bellamy has more than 25 years of experience in the fire protection community including all areas of the fire sprinkler industry. This includes extensive experience with fire suppression system design and fire hazard analysis, as well as fire protection system inspection and testing. He is licensed as a Professional Engineer in 49 U.S. states, District of Columbia and Guam and is a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS). In addition, he serves on several NFPA technical and correlating committees including NFPA 13, 15, 16, 25, 30, 30B, 101 and 5000 (building code) and is a member of ASCE, NFPA and SFPE.

Bellamy’s presentation will cover the reasoning for the current restrictions and use limitations of legacy antifreeze solutions. He will review the three currently Listed antifreeze products, including the range of temperature usage and design/installation restrictions for each.

During the webinar, participants will learn current about the sunset date of September 30, 2022, which is included in NFPA 25 for removal of Non-Listed antifreeze. Also discussed will be potential upcoming changes that might modify these requirements in the next edition of NFPA 25.

Telgian’s Tracey BellamyAt the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • explain the reasoning for antifreeze restrictions in water-based fire protection systems,
  • describe the restrictions on the use of propylene glycol and glycerin in existing systems, the sunset date for removal, and potential upcoming modifications,
  • understand the available Listed antifreeze products currently available and understand their limits of use, and
  • understand the impact of lower temperature on the hydraulic calculations and flow of antifreeze solution.

For additional information or to register for The Antifreeze Use for Fire Protection webinar, please visit Fire Smarts.

For media and interview inquiries: Please contact

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