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AFSA Webinar Presented by Telgian’s Russ Leavitt

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AFSA Webinar Presented by Telgian’s Russ LeavittTelgian Executive Chairman Russell Leavitt will present an AFSA webinar entitled “NFPA 25, The Property Owner and You: What, Why, and How” on May 19, 2020 from 11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. as part of the new American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) webinar series. The virtual professional development series is designed to help AFSA members move forward during the COVID-19 crisis.  This webinar and CEUs are complimentary for all AFSA members; the non-member rate is $120.

Leavitt’s presentation will explore the relationship between the property owner and the fire sprinkler inspection service provider, as well as the role of the owner and contractor as identified in NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. The AFSA webinar will also review proven methods for developing trust and loyalty between the owner and contractor, while maintaining a high degree of integrity and service.

Special attention will be given to issues such as third-party reporting systems and reporting to the local enforcer, as well as to helping owners understand the favorable economics of keeping fire safety systems operational. In addition, the webinar will review effective methods for handing tough issues including uncooperative owners, failure to correct deficiencies, and owner workplace safety practices.

“NFPA 25 – The Property Owner and You: What, Why, and How” Learning Objectives

  • Identify specific requirements for the owner and contractor found in NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems
  • Explain and apply the methods used for providing excellent customer service, while navigating the challenges presented by inspection and testing practices
  • Identify and explain solutions to challenges represented by third-party reporting systems and local enforcer requirements, as well as apathetic property owners
  • Apply methods for effectively handling unsafe properties, uncooperative owners, and the failure of owners to correct any deficiencies

About Russ Leavitt, CFPS, SET

Russ Leavitt is a fire protection leader, recognized for his expertise and 39+ years of experience in the industry. He holds a Level IV certification from NICET in Fire Sprinkler Layout, as well as a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) designation.

A trailblazer for positive change in fire protection, Leavitt is the 2nd Vice-Chair of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and is the Chair of the NFPA 13 Sprinkler System Discharge Criteria Technical Committee. Leavitt also serves on the NFPA 13 Installation Committee, as well as NFPA 3, NFPA 4 and NFPA 25 Technical Committees.

AFSA Webinar Presented by Telgian’s Russ LeavittAs a sought-after speaker and presenter, he is a senior instructor for AFSA, Fire Smarts, and NFPA and conducts fire and life safety seminars nationally and internationally on a variety of related subjects. Examples include Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office fire sprinkler training events such as Fire Sprinkler Systems – Plan Review and Acceptance Testing for AHJ’s and Hydraulic Calculations for Fire Sprinkler Systems and Marketing for Contractors in Fire Protection for Expo Fire Protection Mexico & International Congress, as well as NFPA 25 for Inspectors, Fire Pumps for Inspectors, and NFPA 25 Step-by-Step Testing Procedures for FireCon, among others.

Leavitt has also authored industry training materials and numerous articles such as Fire Safety Codes and Standards: What You Need to Know and Understanding Fire Protection Classifications, International Fire Sprinkler Opportunity and AFSA’s ITM Inspector Development Program and online hydraulic calculations series.

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