The most prestigious honor bestowed at Telgian each year is the Pat Ryan Team Spirit Award, which was created in memory of Telgian associate Pat Ryan. From amongst the many nominations submitted, three finalists were selected for their outstanding contributions. These include Telgian Fire Safety Field Inspector II Tammy Mayo, Telgian Fire Safety Director of Repair Services Loraina Eldridge and Telgian Engineering and Consulting Project Assistant Supervisor Teresa Alvarado, pictured left to right, above.
Nominees also deserving congratulations include Telgian Fire Safety’s Katherine Arellano, Michael Blokker, Teresa Brown, Christine Colton, Christopher Connolly, Chelsea Ethington, Adina Gaudin, Jeffery Harkey, Bret Henderson, David Krimmer, David Limparis, Francis Ortiz, Emily Palmer, Kim Rangel, Cristina Ruiz, Carla Scott, Michael Singleton, Douglas Smythe, Brian Suenkel and Cindy Zamora, and Telgian Engineering & Consulting’s Tracey Bellamy, Frank Chivleatto, Joseph Dietz, Drew Gerard, Alex Gonzales, Addy Hanson, Jose Henriquez, Joseph Keltos, Doug Kilgore, Andrew Morland, Dan Vandergriff and Fraser Wylie.
This award recognizes the spirit of teamwork that Ryan personified, and it is presented annually to the Telgian Team Associate who best embodies his example. Ryan dedicated his life’s work to the fire protection industry, with a distinguished career spanning 29 years in a variety of capacities. He served with the San Diego Fire Department, as Assistant San Diego Fire Marshal, as a successful Fire Protection Consultant, and as Western Regional Director for TVA.
A true team player, Ryan was not only an exceptional motivator, he was also willing to teach others patiently, delighting in the success of others. As coach and mentor, he was a good listener, genuine, and kind. His work ethic was never self-serving. Instead, he was sincerely passionate about the fire protection, life safety and security industry, the success of the company, and the wellbeing of its people.
The 2021 Pat Ryan Team Spirit Award seeks to honor those Telgian associates who follow in Ryan’s footsteps. And, the list of past recipients of the Pat Ryan Team Spirit Award includes many of Telgian’s most highly respected associates.
The winner of the 2021 Pat Ryan Team Spirit Award will be announced at the company’s Annual General Meeting which will be held on May 5, 2021.
About Telgian Holdings, Inc.
Since 1985, Telgian has provided innovative fire, security and life safety systems testing, inspections and maintenance, consulting and engineering/design services, keeping facilities safe, compliant and on budget. Telgian is a trusted partner to companies around the globe, providing solutions throughout the US and abroad. The company is headquartered in Phoenix with regional offices across the nation, in Canada and Latin America. We offer our clients a single-source solution for all of their fire protection, security and life safety needs through two focused business units including:
Telgian Engineering & Consulting LLC. This full-service global engineering and risk mitigation consulting firm specializes in complex, multi-discipline public and private sector projects. TEC provides professional services related to the protection of people, property, information and organizational mission against preventable losses Services include strategic and enterprise risk management, fire protection engineering, industrial security, environmental health and safety, emergency management, and operations continuity consulting, as well as construction administration services.
Telgian Fire Safety. This company’s expertise includes testing, inspections and repair of Fire Life Safety Systems such as Fire Sprinkler Systems, Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Extinguishers, Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems, Emergency and Exit Lights, Special Hazards, Backflow Systems, and Clean Agent Systems, as well as Fire Alarm Monitoring. TFS specializes in service to multi-location properties, as well as large single-campus facilities. The company services more than 50,000 locations annually throughout the US and abroad, providing a centralized approach and standardized way for clients to manage a Fire and Life Safety Program including Inventory Tracking, Capital Replacement Programs, Budgeting and Forecasting.
Our industry-leading experts, within both Telgian Engineering & Consulting and Telgian Fire Safety, are active in global code development organizations, as well as industry-leading organizations such as NFPA, ICC and SFPE.
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